This project has been carried out with the utmost effort, dedication, and love, fulfilling a dream thanks to our families, our friends and strangers who are no longer strangers, this project has been possible because we had a reason, our reason, for what we want to give our sincere thanks to:
- Felix Oscar Sanchez (rigger and friend)
- Luis Sánchez “Topo” (the carpentry wizard and a thousand other things)
- Jesus Rodriguez “Seficonsa” (the best financial advisor)
- Aitor Merino “Visualweb” (who has made this beautiful website possible and the push to networks)
- Javier Moya (electrician and friend)
- Fernando Vico (architect and friend)
- Eduardo “Gua Gua” (excavator specialist)
- Milvus Archery Friends (for his brute strength)
- Dehasacons (builder and friend)
- Jusale (builder and friend)
- Savilsa (Fire protection and friend)
- Eva and Valva (for always being there for everything)
- Dani and Paca (for their drone flight and their details)
- Nieves Ballesteros (for her spectacular photos)
- Raquel Serrano(for her amazing restoration work at Majalasna)
- Marga and Cris (for their valuable advice)
- Ramón and Maria (for their help in texts)
- Isabel and Javier from the City Council of Cercedilla (for its facilities and proximity)
- and many more friends for all their ideas, support and collaboration
- But above all and above all, to our parents (Felisa, Mary, Ramón and Jose) who have been the soul and the reason for this dream.