Los Siete Picos is one of the most important mountain massifs in the Sierra de Guadarrama. Siete Picos is sandwiched between the port of Fuenfría to the west, the port of Navacerrada to the east, the Valsaín valley to the north and the Navalmedio valley to the southeast.
We suggest you get to know one of the region’s treasures in depth, the Fuenfría Valley, a beautiful enclave with abundant vegetation and numerous streams.
It is located within the joint area of Cercedilla and Navacerrada, occupying a maximum area of seven hectares in the heart of the Sierra de Guadarrama. The Reservoir has a capacity of 0.7 cubic hectometers, it came into service in 1969 and its water comes from the Navalmedio River. The dam has a height of 41 meters.